50K Hyland Park Trail Mix Run

I ran farther today than I’ve ever run in my life.  And it was below 50F and on muddy, sloppy, slippery, goopy, hilly paths through a park.  I completed a 50K!!!  Ok…I was on a 2-guy/2-girl team and our total distance was 50K, but almost 8 miles is still the farthest I’ve run in my life 🙂  It actually went a ton better than I thought it would – for some reason I got a lot of energy with 5K to go.  Here’s my only complaint…


After the race while we were waiting for our last teammate to finish we could hear the loons calling. They are back now and even came fairly close to where I was standing near the shore of a big lake. They are cool to watch while they swim around and dive – and even cooler to listen to. It’s our state bird…I’m thankful when nature shares some sights with us.

Here’s a YouTube video in case you’ve never heard a loon:


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