Having just spent two weeks at home with Megan (and Colleen and Christopher), I have now changed more clothes on baby dolls than I have ever changed on all of our kids combined! We had a blast with all of her dolls – with feeding, nap time, changing clothes – you name it. It is amazing how fast these two weeks went – I don’t think I got to cross anything off of my to-do list. God bless anyone who can stay home full-time with kids!
Shhhhh – here the babies are sleeping (just don’t show the fire inspector!).
And, of course, here they are all going on a fire truck ride!
The kids had some friends over from school. Amazingly they played nicely together at times – here they are playing doggies – taking their doggie naps and going for a walk.
Before I forget, congratulations to Track, Willow, Piper, Bristol, Trig, and Levi on the arrival of Tripp Easton. Are you as shocked as I am that Levi’s mommy was arrested on felony drug charges – that’s sad to hear from an otherwise stable family.
Happy New Year! There was a picture in the paper of a Christmas card that said on the outside
“I made you a Christmas present!”,
and on the inside
“But I had to burn it in a trash can to stay warm. Have a Great Depression and a Happy New Year!”.
Pearson continues to send out very positive messages from all levels of management. Beth’s company (R&D Systems) is also sending out positive messages. Although this year will be tough I think we are both very fortunate to have found companies that have sound values and care about their people. I still chuckle (sadly) at a quote in the paper from Paul Douglas (a local gazillionaire weatherman) who said his 401K is now a 201K. That hits way too close to home, huh? I just hope the other prediction in the paper doesn’t come true…that we’ll all be turning to Spam as the cheap meat…no…not that!