Baking in our blood


Here is the beautiful cake the kids made with their cake decorating kit (thanks Aunt Katherine). Yes, I’m glad you asked, it definitely tasted as just as good as it looks.

We’ve been training Christopher to at least leave the table when he’s going to let one rip. When you come to visit – if Christopher suddenly runs from the table and then suddenly runs back, please remember not to ask him where he just went. Either he or Ms. Megan will be more than happy to give you a very direct answer. So…here’s my proud parenting moment of the week. Listening to Christopher in another room say “Cannon fire one” (followed by you know what)….”Cannon fire two” (yes, again, followed by you know what). We feed him beans for breakfast, what can I say.

Saw our pheasant in the backyard this week for the first time this year. Spring is almost here. And our daffodils are blooming – I can’t remember that ever happening this early.

Here’s the first draft of a poem Colleen is writing for school – shhhh, don’t tell her I shared this here:

Friendly, silly, jolly and kind.
Lover of ice cream, pizza and parties.
Who is grateful for my friends and family and sad for my grandma.
Who needs friends, pools and puppies.
Who is afraid of ghosts the dark and big storms.
Resident of xxxxx Minnesota.

I’ve had to buy a few pies for the fire station lately. Guess news is slow and the paper got desperate.

Here are your tax dollars at work (can you find me 37 seconds into the video – don’t blink – but this still qualified for pies – grrrrrr) – the next time some cows gets loose they will most certainly be impressed with my mad herding techniques. Yeehaw.

WDIO TV – Duluth – Animal Rescue Training

Christopher’s now a double yellow belt (or something like that). I can still whoop him though. I’m letting my hair grow out just like his instructor’s.

Hippity hoppity…

One Response to “Baking in our blood”

  1. Grandpa T says:

    Were similar faces made by the Schmidt family bakers after finishing a masterpiece? I’ll have to try it after my next batch of outmeal raisin cookies. Maybe your young bakers should help you with your next batch of begals.

    Thanks to the young singers a couple of nights ago for their birthday song. I enjoyed it very much.

    Thanks also for the warning on Christopher’s new routine. We’ll be sure and try not to ask.

    Maybe you shouldn’t tell her, but I really liked Colleen’s poem. Looks like Christopher is doing well in his martial arts skills. Maybe the discipline it teaches will help him at the dinner table. That’s the cutest Easter Bunny I’ve ever seen. I bet you’ll all have fun hiding and finding all the Easter eggs.

    Give me another clue on the video. I counted 37 seconds and went by the time clock at the bottom. Exactly where are you and what are you doing? I thought it was you kneeling with the dog, but the time clock at the bottom didn’t coincide.

    Have a Happy Easter. We are anxious to see you soon.

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