Alien Sighting

Christopher had his birthday party today. He has been fascinated with space ever since they studied it in preschool this year. This is really the first time he has been excited to tell us about something that he has learned in school. So…he chose an alien theme for his party…and we managed to catch one…


Luckily, we had the first really nice day of the year today so the kids got to enjoy being outside in our backyard. He invited a mix of kids from preschool, star talkers, church, and the neighborhood. They got to play “astronauts and aliens” (our version of sharks and minnows) and even searched for alien eggs in our yard before they hatched. As always, Beth does a great job thinking up all these crazy games for the kids!



It’s hard to believe Beth’s parents sold the bakery with the talent that Beth and I have, huh?


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