Busy busy busy

Man is life crazy. Home life has something going on all the time and work is getting busier and busier. So much for the down economy and slow business. Happy July! Leave for Cin-cin (via Chi-town, Rochester & Lafayette) this week for the Percy family reunion. We’ll come back through St. Louey, and get home next week with only one child. The other two will be returned to us with postage due a few days later by Beth’s p’s.

We hit the Arborbitietum (it comes out different every time Megan says it) today. The theme is “water” this year. As compared to past years the kids think their theme this year should be “lame” or “boring” or “where’d the fun stuff go?” – I must say I agree with the kids.

Can you find Colleen and Megan in the maze? Christopher missed out on all the fun because he was experiencing what Love and Logic would call a “learning opportunity” – temper, temper, temper 🙂 He gets grumpy just like his daddy does when it gets hot outside.

Last week Colleen got a brand new bike and Megan rode a bike with training wheels for the first time. Just in time for the 4th of July kiddie parade!

Every 4th of July I work at the fire station. If there is a call I would be the first to respond, but since the fireworks are at a park right across the street then Beth and the kids typically come up and hang out and eat dinner and watch the show. This year I had an idea to charge $ for people to ride up in our ladder bucket…other people acted on this idea and we ended up raising $400 in just a few hours (more money to donate to the Relay for Life). People were thrilled to get a chance to go up to 90′ in the air on the ladder extending from our fire truck. We even did a silent auction for someone to watch the fire works show in the bucket. They said they could count 21 different fire works shows going off at the same time while looking all around. How cool is that!

3 Responses to “Busy busy busy”

  1. Grampa T says:

    It was nice talking to you tonight, “birthday boy.” Glad you had a nice one.

    Hope you get a little more caught up. Even if you don’t it will be there when you get back. With all you have going on it is nice you are able to make time for the family, especially the kids – you won’t regret the time you spend with them.

    We’re really sorry we won’t be able to make it out there this summer. We were looking forward to seeing you in August, but with Mom’s knee the way it is, we’ll just have to wait until you come out here in Oct.

    Hope you have a great time the next week as you travel and visit various places, family and friends. Drive carefully and send us lots of pictures. We always enjoy seeing your updates and are constantly amazed at how your children are growing up. I liked the 4th of July decorations. Enjoy them and give them all hugs and kisses for us.

    Glad the fund raiser was a success.

    Happy Birthday

    PS – I think they are right of the yellow banner.

  2. Aunt Katherine says:

    Happy (belated) Birthday!! Your card is also belated. I lose track of days/time . I hope you had a great day. I LOVE that picture of the kids at the top of this post. They are looking so grown up.
    Sounds like you have quite the drive ahead of you. Hope you have fun. Give Grandma a big kiss and hug for me (I’m assuming you’re seeing her on your way through Rochester).
    Talk to you soon! Love, Katherine

  3. Dave says:

    Of course I’ll give Grandma a big hug from you. We’re spending the night in Rochester with Grandma and then seeing Wen & E in Lafayette the next day early, before heading to Cincinnati. I think we’ll spend over 30 hours in the car this next week – what fun!

    And yes, they’re by the yellow banner in the maze. That was the only spot I could see them – otherwise, I just hear foot steps and giggling for about 10 minutes 🙂

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