The temps are starting to drop…no snow yet but the cover of the hot tub is looking pretty frosty each morning.
Sugar and spice and everything nice…nothing left to say about this picture…
I don’t know how she kept doing it but Megan was catching frogs left and right – sometimes two at a time. Speaking of Megan, earlier this week I had a bump on my nose and Megan asked what it was. I said I didn’t know, a scratch, and then I said, or maybe a pimple. Megan looked at me a bit confused and said, you mean one of these (as she was pointing towards both of her nipples)? Colleen and Christopher laughed for a few minutes over that one 🙂
Checkout Christopher’s opponent – this match up hardly seems fair, huh? It looked like they had Christopher lined up against a high school kid! Christopher never backed down – cracked me up.
Football and soccer both ended last weekend. Beth was working last weekend so my afternoon went like this. Drive past the soccer field to drop Christopher off at football, drive back to the soccer field to drop Megan off, drive back to the football field to watch Christopher play the first half, drive back to soccer to watch Megan play the 2nd half and to get her trophy, drive back to football to pick up Christopher and eat pizza at the field with his team, and then drive back past the soccer field again to go straight to the fire department open house. Mom – what were you saying last week about missing the days of driving us around way back when 🙂
Here’s Megan in her last game. She had a great assist and a couple of close ones in this game. She’s definitely determined and focused when she puts her mind to it.
I wasn’t able to work at the fire department’s open house this year because of all of the kid’s activities so I got to enjoy walking around and actually seeing what the open house had to offer from a different perspective this year. There are tons of freebies so the kids love it. We came home with t-shirts (2 each), rulers, slinkies, candy, and bellies full of cookies, popcorn and hot dogs!
The leaves were beautiful this year. As I’ve done the past several years I made a huge pile of leaves towards the bottom of our hill that the kids can run and jump in to. We’ve had several kids over to play in the massive leaf pile. We’ve also been fortunate enough to have several people over for camp fires and more to come next weekend. Love this time of year.
Remember last year when Megan lost 3 teeth in the span of 3 days??? She did the same thing again last week – 3 teeth in 3 days!!! We ended up having a dentist appointment set up for Megan to do a few things for her and one of the things they were going to do was pull one of those 3 teeth that needed to come out. That would have cost us $175 and wouldn’t have been covered by insurance. Megan drives a hard bargain and made a deal with her mom to save us some money. Beth ended up getting the pliers out and that did the trick. Can you tell from this picture what Megan got out of the deal for not having to pay the dentist to yank the tooth? She’s trouble!
Keep up the great work dad and mom!!! Thinking about you all the time!