I said I would stop saying life is crazy because crazy is normal, unless it truly is crazy and out of control, which it feels now, so I guess I’m back to saying life is crazy. The last of the monster snow piles finally melted completely away a few weeks ago; American Idol finally finished (we started watching it when Susana was here so it’s been a long time!); and now we’ve got soccer, track and field, and soft ball going along with all the things we were already doing before (swimming, kung foo, scouts, dance, etc).
Here’s a hint at my craziness. A week ago I spent all day Friday volunteering at an event for the Metro CISM team. We had speakers come to Minnesota from 9/11, Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, and the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Powerful stories and lessons learned related to providing support for first responders. Beth’s parents came up that same day. Then on Saturday I spent 6 hours volunteering at the Make-A-Wish ball (the highlight of the evening was watching > $120,000 get raised in about 10 minutes – which was after so much other money had already been donated throughout the night) – great amounts of money going to a great cause. Sunday morning started with two soccer games; then I revealed Make-A-Wish wishes to a set of twins (they each get their own wish); and then rushed to back-to-back dance recitals for Colleen (Megan and I snuck out after the first recital), followed by dinner out with everyone of course. Crazy or normal? I’m not sure any more.
It’s soooooo nice to have a 3-day Memorial Weekend with absolutely nothing on the calendar. Watched the Indy 500 today (wow – awesome race and ending) and have been out working in the yard most of the weekend. Megan wanted to plant even more stuff so we went crazy with a bunch of old seeds. Spring is definitely here…ducks are frequent visitors, saw our first humming bird today, Beth & Megan made dandelion soup (yep, for real), and we even saw a beautiful white swan in the marsh while we were on a walk tonight.
Here are answers to questions I asked Christopher just a bit after his birthday…sure sounds like last year, and the year before, and the year before for him, huh? 🙂
Christopher’s 11th Birthday
My favorite food is…ice cream cake (and pasta)
When I grow up I want to be a…scientist
My favorite restaurant is…Noodles
My favorite possession is…Xbox
My favorite color is…teal
My favorite song is…I Have a Feeling (almost said Radioactive)
My favorite book is…Dragon Champion
My favorite movie is…(no clear favorite…likes a bunch of them)
My favorite holiday is…Christmas (because it’s Jesus’ birthday and I get lots of presents)
My favorite season is…spring (because of my birthday)
My favorite thing to do is…read
If I could do anything tomorrow I would…have my birthday party!
It would be a really good year this year if…I had fun the entire year
How come on the one day of the year that Beth asks me to drive the girls home from cross country they decide not to actually practice running on the track but instead they decide to all do running belly flops down a huge muddy hill in the rain? Hmmm…coincidence? I think not.
In the past we’ve had up to 15 girls come over for Colleen’s birthday parties. They get a bit wild at times but nothing too insane and they calm down pretty easy. For Christopher’s party we had five boys over. Just five. Not fifteen. Five. Each parent who dropped off their sons would say “Are you sure you can handle this?” and then run as fast as they could away from our house before waiting for our answer. Absolutely insane! Bouncing off the walls! Up late, up early, non-stop energy and talk and goofiness and physical playing and crazy ideas. Thankfully Christopher’s got a great set of friends. What a fun time! 🙂
Is it wrong that the last words I heard in this photo (before I ran in the house without looking back) were, “This is a game called stick wars…first everyone needs to find a big stick…and don’t hit each other too hard…”?
Megan got to pick her country 3rd in her class and was thrilled to get Spain! She was really excited to do this because of Susana.
What a good big brother. We went to the zoo for Mother’s Day and Megan was worn out.
Nothing better than breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day! 🙂
Megan’s soccer team is off to a great start. They played in a tournament last weekend. Their first game was 21-1. Megan’s coach had them passing several times before they could score but even that didn’t help. It was ugly. We felt bad clapping for our girls after a while but the teams were a complete mismatch.
Megan’s teammate’s expression says it all – your leg is not supposed to bend like that!
Getting ready to juke the goalie!
This picture made me laugh just trying to figure out which way the ball is going and how everybody’s legs got so twisted.
We went on an Arbor Day walk and they had some beekeeper attire to try on. I love that girl’s expression as she looks at Megan.
And with a prop 🙂
I asked Megan if she wanted to wear a ponytail at her next soccer game. This was her answer…