I know I’m a day late, but in honor of Father’s Day I can proudly share the following that I learned from the best 🙂 I still get just the Saturday and Sunday newspaper delivered (can’t quite let go of this physical newspaper that I read – maybe I’ll go electronic soon enough), but sometimes before big holidays the Star Trib delivers an extra paper for free on Thursdays. I recently got a postcard saying (thanks for my loyal readership and…) due to costs blah blah blah they would start charging for those Thursday papers. You mean charging for the Thursday papers that are 100% full of holiday ads? So now I’m paying extra for delivery of a paper full of ads that I didn’t ask for? And the default option is to just start charging me? No no no, not on Father’s Day, I won’t stand for that, what would my dad do? Darn tootin’ – I told them where to stick those papers and ads. Happy Father’s Day dad – hope you’re proud!
This is from a while ago but I thought it was also a fun fathery-type of memory. For Valentine’s Day the teachers sent a note home saying Christopher’s class would visit a local assisted living facility. When he got home that night I asked him how his party was and his only comment was that it was fine but he had to share it with old people. Heh heh. That about sums that up.
I’m often asked what I remember most about Father’s Day growing up. I think for me it was all of us getting together and singing this song to show how proud we were of New England! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNh-IAXaB7I
What? Nobody else remembers that? Something to remember for next year then, huh? Don’t let those traditions die before they even start. Dum, de, dum, de, dum, dum, da, dum, day. Oh New England.
Dad – if you get tired of your current job maybe you can join this dude, or start your own blog of ice cream in New England.
Who else finds themselves clicking the unlock button on their car remote repeatedly as they approach their mailbox or garden shed? Anybody? Just me? One of these days it will work like magic and you’ll all be amazed. Great idea for a Father’s Day gift for me next year.
Alright, enough, on with the blog. Happy Father’s Day dad! Thanks for everything over the years!
I meant to share this earlier – my blog has gone global!!! Thank you Susana 🙂
Speaking of Susana…Susana, do you remember that frozen waterfall we took you to? Here’s what it looks like after a wet and rainy spring! Big difference, huh?
Colleen and I got our picture in the paper for running a 5k to raise money to beat cancer. Don’t anybody show the picture in this link to Beth – I’ll be in trouble for sure. http://www.edenprairienews.com/news/general_news/extinguish-cancer/article_6cc3d384-a780-5acb-b910-fcd66514ce9e.html
Colleen and I are doing a streaking challenge. Using MapMyRun we are trying to run 1-mile per day for as many consecutive days as we can. My streak is 18 days in a row and counting! Christopher has joined us on a few runs too – fun stuff! We did a mile for Father’s Day. Had to run that mile to jog off the crepes from breakfast in bed! Did our usual pizza and ice cream, lots of jumping on the trampoline, and ended the day with a big camp fire and s’mores.
This is what we did on Mother’s Day. Zoo, burgers, and malts. Lucky for Christopher the bears weren’t hungry!
Megan’s first softball game ever was played on the field behind her. Do you see home plate? Look closer. See it now? Still can’t – look closer. See that huge puddle – home plate is under the water somewhere. Megan scored three times – I don’t think she touched home plate for any of those runs! 🙂
I love watching the kid’s soccer games. And I love watching Christopher’s football games. Basketball is ok too. But softball and baseball…no comment. I focus when Megan is up to bat. Her new technique is to let the kid-pitch balls hit her so she gets a base. Christopher and I have been bringing footballs (yes, more than one – how else can you knock the other person’s ball out of the air) and books to the softball games, and we alternate between playing catch and reading. But she is so cute in that catcher’s gear and her oversized bobble-head helmet 🙂 Some of the softball moms are psycho – haven’t quite let go of not winning their high school championship game I guess. They are 8 year olds and it’s just a game – settle down.
Guess how many of these turtles Megan caught?
Schooner Days! Wheeee!
Christopher and Megan passed their latest Kung Fu belt tests. What technique, huh!
I think this was the free form dance part of the kung fu test
And here they are with the new belts.
Paella…socarrat is getting better each time…this was our best attempt yet!! Yummy!!! Who’s coming for dinner?
We’re heading into 5 straight days of rain and thunder storms. Time to build that ark.
Guess I had better get around to replying to this one at least. I’ve been a little remiss in replying lately. After letting mom beat me on the one I haven’t been too good about replying. I do read them and enjoy each blog update. I have to admit I didn’t see this one until about 10 days after you posted it. I could blame not having RSS set up, but that would be a weak excuse. Even though I don’t come upstairs and get on the computer too frequently I have your blog bookmarked on my tablet, so I can easily see if you’ve updated it.
Thanks for the World Cup info you’ve sent. I’ve watched quite a few games. I was thinking of going into Boston to join the crowd at City Hall plaza when U.S. played Belgium, but my better judgement and mom questioning my sanity swayed me away from that plan. Instead, mom and I went to Chunky’s and watched the game. There was a decent crowd and not as loud as a local sports bar might have been.
Yes, I’m proud of the action you took with your paper. No TV and no paper now? If I could talk mom into it, I might even give that a try. I certainly don’t find much on TV anymore to justify the ridiculous monthly fee we have to pay. We must have a new paper carrier. When I called the paper this morning to remind them that we didn’t receive Sunday’s paper I told the lady that it’s turning into an afternoon paper for me since it arrives after I go to work. (I didn’t mention that I’ve only worked one day this week.) I think Daniel and Jackie have gone to electronic delivery with a paper on Sunday. I think the price they pay is fairly low. If we ever go back to the Telegraph, maybe we’ll give that a try.
I liked Christopher’s comment. Is he aware that he’s going to be spending time in D.C. with old people. I got an email from my friend in CO and he mentioned a 70 year old woman who crashed her ATV. At first that seemed odd and I wondered why someone that old would be riding an ATV, then I realized I’m not too many months away from being the same age. More power to her – ride on!
That bear behind Christopher does look kind of hungry. From his big smile Chris doesn’t look too concerned. Good thing you’re not on the FD anymore or you would have had to treat the crew for having your pictures in the paper. The form of Megan and Christopher in softball and martial arts look good. Hope they are enjoying their involvement. I have to admit I was glad none of our kids got too involved in baseball. I watched a few minutes of a game on TV the other night. I think the camera crew was so bored and ran out of things to show like players scratching and spitting, the manager yawning, etc., that they showed a lady buying a hot dog at the concession stand. Ho-hum – and some say soccer is so boring to watch…? To each his own.
I don’t have quite that good of flow in my backyard water falls as the picture you asked Susana about, but at least I found and fixed the leak. I still have a little leak on one side, but I can turn the water off to that side. We bought a new outdoor swing, so we’ve been sitting outside enjoying the pond and running water. The sound is so relaxing. I will guess Megan caught 5 turtles (I’m sure I’m low on my guess though). If she was out here I would have her catch me a couple of frogs for my pond. Could have used your help last week. We had 8 yards of mulch delivered.
Glad you and Colleen are involved in running together. I mentioned riding my bike recently. Mom’s not too excited, but I’m planning to drive up to Lebanon, NH Sat. a.m. to ride in the Proudy. It’s a fund raising event for the Dartmouth-Hitchcock hospital I was at 3 years ago. I’m planning to ride the 20 mi. course. I feel our donation and riding is a small way I can try to pay them back for the excellent care I received and my good health I’m enjoying now.
Better close for now. I see two new boxes to check below. I’ll give them a try and maybe I will have RSS notifications in the future.
Thanks for calling tonight. Always good to hear from you. Drive carefully and we’ll do the same. We are looking forward to seeing all of you in D.C.
Love, Dad & Grandpa
I was thinking back to our comments on the value of news and how much complete negative junk is out there as I saw these headlines all in the same day. Pathetic. No political or religious agendas here – no need to go there:
(1) “Ventura wins $1.84 million: ‘Overjoyed reputation restored’.” (uh….);
(2) “House Authorizes Lawsuit Against President Obama.” (We saw them all in in-action last week. Here’s the question – do they rapidly make no progress or slowly make no progress?);
(3) “Archbishop John Nienstedt will announce Thursday that he is not resigning as head of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis”. Raping & abusing that many kids and hiding behind the church is not ok. You gonna burn.
(4) “Driver who killed teen on Hwy. 252 posts his totaled car online with smiley face”. (I got nothin’).
The only way to get all that crap out of my mind is to watch mindless videos…these could help you too 🙂
pics of dogs stung by bees,
or grandmas jumping,
or future exercise partner.
Did that help? Did you forget all about the negative news yet? If not, watch that last one again.