Knuckle Sandwich

Here’s the before picture…

And here’s the after picture (after daddy popped Christopher in the mouth for not behaving!)…

All in good fun…here are my Christmas card winners by category:

* Most likely to be made into a Gap commercial…goes to Katherine, Erik, and Sarah on the beach.

* Best kung fu pose by a baby…goes to Simon Thomas Fox.

* Most people forced (yah, you heard me, forced) to wear the same clothes for the picture…this was the hardest one to judge this year. Normally this is a slam dunk for the Noonan family but this year they shockingly didn’t even compete in this category (maybe they’re saving up a huge matching surprise for the next family reunion). The Wong’s had three kids dressed alike and the Desai’s had four kids dressed alike but both unfortunately lost style points for not wearing matching pants. The surprise winner and first time nominee in this category goes to Preston and Cameron Thompson for wearing three different sets of matching outfits on their card. The bar has been set high!

* Cutest kids….goes to…heh heh heh. You’ll have to come to our house to find out. Cutest photos are in the upper left corner of our ‘fridge and let me just say you don’t want to be in the bottom right corner 🙂

We keep the photos on our ‘fridge all year and love looking at them all the time. Hope everyone is having a great start to their New Year! Congratulations on this year’s Christmas Card winners – all prizes must be collected in person…

2 Responses to “Knuckle Sandwich”

  1. Katherine Diedrichsen says:

    Erik, Sarah and I are so honored to win in the Most likely to be made into a Gap commercial category… I’d like to see the runners up. Can’t wait to see what our prize is… guess we’ll have to plan a trip out there soon… before baby #2 arrives! When are the kids on vacation? Or, is that when you go to the Dells? We’ll have to talk soon and figure it out. Take care!

  2. admin says:

    Prizes are an all expense paid dinner at a restaurant of your choosing in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Our spring break is the week of April 5 – 9. We’re doing the Dells for the first part of the week – you’re welcome to join us there. Otherwise, I’ll be home the rest of the week.

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