
I forgot to mention the conversation Megan and I had in the boys bathroom at the Wisconsin Dells. She had to go #1, couldn’t hold it, and Beth wasn’t around…so we went into the boys bathroom. She is always a chatterbox so why would that change in the bathroom. We went into a stall and she started talking about peanuts. Peanuts??? It didn’t take me long to figure out where she was going with this. Here are few samples of the wisdom echoing from our stall: “Boys stand up to go to the bathroom because they use their peanuts” and “Boys don’t have to wash their hands because they use their peanuts”. For the record, I wash my hands, and based on our water bill at home I know Christopher washes his hands for longer than it takes him to go to the bathroom. Peanuts – tee hee.

We are going to be proud parents again!

Yes, it’s true. Momma duck is busy making eggs. I was getting ready to clean out the pond yesterday and I stumbled upon 4 eggs right by the electrical box for the pond pump. Momma duck wasn’t around and she really hasn’t been around as much as she has in previous years. I was worried that there were eggs and no mamma so I turned to a trusty friend for some input. Google told me that momma duck squeezes out a few eggs every few days and she won’t start sitting on them until she’s done laying. This way hopefully all eggs will hatch at the same time…I learn more about ducks every year (I’ll take Ducks for 400 Alex). I love the fact that they keep choosing our yard to raise their family – way cool. Orca likes it too 🙂

Momma duck came back today and sat on the eggs for a while. I couldn’t tell if she laid any more though. She let me switch the pond pumps and get the stream running again while she swam around in the pond. She then spent 1/2 hour playing in the stream and eating all the muck that got churned up. I think she approves of my work.

Playing around with a tilt-shift photo…

One Response to “Peanuts”

  1. Grampa T says:

    We enjoyed the restroom wisdom Megan shared with you. Were there others in the restroom to learn from her wisdom?

    Hope Orca doesn’t like the ducks too much. That must be fun and educational for the kids to watch the ducks and different wild life that enjoy your pond.

    I checked out tilt-shift photography on google. I must be missing something. Not sure in yours or others what the purpose is. Usually when all or part of my photo is blurry I have a setting wrong. Next time I mess up a setting looks like I can just call it a tilt-shift photo.

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