Somebody’s a year older

Here are the cool slippers Christopher bought at the garage sale we had last month. He couldn’t wait to spend his money until he found the perfect thing…which didn’t take long.


I survived another birthday. We had a low-key birthday party for me. My chair was all decorated when I got home from work (way cool) and we celebrated with some homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie – yummy! Once again the local hardware store (Menards) was the first one to acknowledge my birthday. They are the best. The last few years they’ve sent coupons for free Menards-racing hats (because one of these hats is definitely not enough). This year the coupon is for a free flashlight. Sweet. Got calls or messages from all of my old roomies plus family and friends throughout the day – surprising how many people remember when I feel like I forget more and more each year.


Here are the monkeys blowing out my candles.


I also learned a valuable lesson about making sure that I tell people what I want for my birthday next year vs. letting them let Megan pick out my gift on her own. It is amazing that even though I didn’t exactly come out and say I wanted a stone pig for my birthday, they somehow managed to find one 🙂


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