Yes we can

Yes we can. It’s a new day. I got it from my mama.

Which of those songs from doesn’t fit with the others (yet has millions more hits)? Rock beats scissors, bikinis beat Barack. I’m down with that.

The kid’s and Beth realized that Obama’s inspirational “Yes we can” theme should be tributed to Bob the Builder.  I’m slow and hadn’t made that connection yet although I’m sure punks all over the country caught on to this months (and years) ago…either way it still made me laugh.

We got our first real snow this week. Only a few inches and gone in an hour or so but it was enough to get the kids out sledding and playing for a while.

Several weeks ago we were at Toys-R-Us after Colleen’s birthday. We were pretty clear that the only person getting anything on this visit would be Colleen. At one point Megan came running up with one of those giant plastic Crayola crayons that are actually coin banks (you know, they are like 2+ feet long). She says she wants that and isn’t leaving without it. I tell her no, blah, blah, blah. She then says “I’m licking it, then it will be mine and we have to get it” – by the time I take 2 steps towards her she has already given it several good licks thinking this will improve her odds of having it leave the store with her. Much to her dismay some other lucky kid will get her spit on a crayon.

Remember that corn maze and huge corn pit from a few weeks ago? When we were there they had a magic show and they made a lady disappear. Beth immediately recognized the lady and said she met her recently and she lives a few houses up on our street. When I was taking the kids around the block trick-or-treating there was a house that was handing out passes to the corn maze. The guy said he ran out of candy and I started talking to him. Turns out his dad is Sever Peterson who owns the place (Sever’s Corn Maze). He said that part after I had already inserted my foot in my mouth by saying something like I was glad he was handing these out because I had to take out a loan to pay for our trip there a few weeks before. I did talk him into giving me some corn seeds next year for our garden 🙂

It’s turning into a busy year for the East Coast Thompson’s. Two new babies, an adoption, and a wedding. Plus the Indiana wedding in January. Fun stuff.

We are one week away from Beth starting work. It has been a whirlwind – daycare arrangements, pick-up and drop-off arrangements from school, figuring out meals and bills and doctor appointments and holidays and vacation schedules. I think if we had another month or two to prepare we would just about be ready for all of this. Yes we can.

Time to get ready and go pickup Colleen from a sleepover on the way to church…

2 Responses to “Yes we can”

  1. Brooks Thompson says:

    I know this will be a hectic week for all of you with Beth starting work next week. But, you’ll all survive and hopefully Beth will love her new job. I didn’t work outside the house for 14 years and it was so much fun to get to be with adults againand to do something I went to school for. I know Beth will do great!! Slince she only has two weeks vacation will you still go to St. Louis for Thanksgiving?

    Maybe I can send you some money and you can run to Toys R Us and get that large crayon for Megan for Christmas???!!! Just kidding. We need suggestions for the kids. I saw some neat Polly Pockets at BJ’s that I wondered if Megan would like. What do you think?

    I can’t believe that mouse costume has held up this long. Megan looks just as cute as you did some 30+ years ago.

  2. Dave T says:

    Beth is very excited to go back to work. It’s great that it all worked out and happened so fast – we know she’ll do great too! She made sure to tell them after she received the offer that she had vacation plans this year and next year. I’ll watch the kids Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and then she’ll take off Wednesday so we can drive down to St. Louis for a few days.

    I’m probably going to take two weeks at Christmas to do the same thing. It will be great for me to get to spend more time with all of the kids.

    Next year I will have been at Pearson for 10 years wow, huh?!) so I get 20 days vacation plus another 10 days personal and sick time…compared to Beth’s two weeks or so…but we’ll figure it all out. I was planning to drive out to New Hampshire for a week next year – Beth asked for that time off unpaid but it’s not clear if that can happen or not. Plus our annual Great Wolf trip, and Natalie’s wedding, and Beth’s family reunion…

    Jaq and Katherine have asked about Christmas ideas too…we’ll work on that this weekend maybe…take care!

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