How ’bout dem apples?

We tried a new apple place last weekend – Afton Apples. Every year we love going to Sponsel’s but this year I wanted to try this new place that I read about. It was farther away and we found out not nearly as good. But we had a good time anyway…and also picked a ton of raspberries (Beth made 20+ jars of jelly!). Beth picked raspberries for most of the morning and I got to play with the kids which was nice. One of these years we’ll have to get a pile of hay dumped in our yard – the kids would stay entertained for days!

3 Responses to “How ’bout dem apples?”

  1. Brooks Thompson says:

    The children are getting so big – we miss you and them so much. Megan’s hair is getting so long – it looks like that lamb is trying to kiss her. Colleen is getting to be quite the young lady and Christopher looks like he’s having so much fun with the hay and jumping off the haystack. We had a perfectly beautiful New England day today with the trees such brilliant reds and oranges. Dad and I might go to breakfast at Parker’s on Monday so we can ride through the beautiful country side.

  2. Dave T says:

    The leaf color is awesome out here too this year. We are having a nice fall – it usually goes way too quick but this one is feeling just about right. I hope you enjoyed Parker’s – I’m jealous!

  3. Grandpa T says:

    Makes me feel like sneezing to see all the hay in the air, but looks like you had a lot of fun. Looks like such a beautiful sunny day – AND what beautiful sunny smiles on the 3 young Ts.

    The raspberry jelly sounds good. Apple pie sounds even better.

    Glad you were able to get out and have so much fun with the family.

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