
Beth’s parents were in town last weekend.  They chose the weekend of the city’s open house so they got to see a few somewhat-controlled car fires, see an auto extrication demo, and go for a ride on a fire truck with the sirens blaring (Christopher was in the front seat and in charge of the sirens – even though he couldn’t quite reach them)!  They also got to see several of the kid’s soccer games, see all of the kid’s classrooms, and we had s’mores by our new fire pit too. We also went to dinkytown (near downtown Minneapolis) and drove over the new 35W bridge that replaced the one that collapsed last year (we made it – whew!).   It was a fun weekend.  And of course the Manhattans (aka “drinking man’s cocktail”) were flowing.


Randy Pausch would be proud of us based on the following photo (which doesn’t show the full story – they had leaves everywhere). Believe it or not, I was NOT the one in charge of the kids as they made countless trips to the basement with leaves from the backyard!!! All in the name of fun – thanks for the inspiration Randy 🙂

Last week Dominos had a promotion during fire safey week. If you ordered a pizza then it may get delivered in a fire truck. If you let the firefighters into your house and they confirm that all of your smoke detectors are working then you get your pizza for free and also get a free sample of one of their four new tasty sandwiches. I volunteered to help with that one (because the fine print stated that all firefighters would be fed). So…I got to be the deilvery driver – I drove my crew and a professional pizza delivery gal on several deliveries. Most people hadn’t heard of the promotion so they were very startled when I would turn on the lights and siren at their house!!! Unfortunately only about half of the people had their smoke detectors working…bummer for them. Here we are with the pizza sign on top of the truck 🙂

We have some friends from college coming up today (Friday) so I took today off. This morning I took Colleen and Christopher disc golfing again to Bryant Lake. It was a great fall morning. They both played the entire course – and kept their own score on each hole. I hate to be a poor sport and rub it in, but…I absolutely whooped them!!! I got a 60 which is par for 18 holes (4 birdies, 4 bogies), Colleen got a 139 and Christopher got a 147. Ha – in your face ya little punks! They love it out there – they also liked watching me climb way up a tree to violently shake Colleen’s disc free. We had two separate people give us discs too – crazy. They found discs and decided to give them to the kids instead of keep them – what great attitudes out there from strangers.

When we got back to home we played outside for a while and enjoyed the day. I gave the kids rides on a tarp filled with leaves – my goal was to whip them around so fast they would go shooting into the yard – which of course they loved 🙂

We planted our dahlia’s very late this year…they just made it before winter arrives…

One Response to “Manhattans”

  1. Grandpa T says:

    Are these pics with your new SLR? The color is good.

    Glad Beth’s parents were able to come up for a visit. We are envious and wish we could make it out more often and see more of your children’s activities and them growing up. They are getting so big.

    I’m also envious of Christopher – wish I could have ridden in the fire engine and been in charge of blowing the siren.

    Nice to see the annual autumn leaf photo. It doesn’t seem that long ago that it was just Miss Colleen in the photo. The leaves in the basement look like a lot of fun. Maybe a snowman in the basement would be fun too ???

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