March Miscellaneous Madness


Very glad that Dad is out of the hospital now – fingers are crossed and prayers will continue to be said that Wednesday’s results bring good news.

Here’s a cool video showing why Pearson is such a cool company doing lots of good in the world:

We had a family-movie-night last week and were watching Planet 51 (a cartoon movie with aliens in it). At one point Christopher loudly said “argh – tell me when its over”. I look up and it’s a scene with two aliens kissing.

It’s official. The results are in. As of tonight we were the last house on the block with our Christmas lights still on. There was one other house that had lights in a tree but they gracefully bowed out tonight. I kept asking the kids what we should do…and they all agreed we wouldn’t back down from this challenge and that we had to keep our house lit up. I unplugged our lights tonight but the partying is just beginning. Tonight we celebrate – victory is ours!!!

I find it ironic that Aunt Beth is the biggest contributor to our Purdue college fund 😉

I printed a lot of kid photos a few months ago and we have all gone through them. Beth has told Megan how much Christopher loved her and held her when she was a baby. Now it’s funny to hear Megan randomly say “Christopher used to love me a lot when I was little”. Neither she nor he may realize it, but he still loves her a lot now but just isn’t sure how to express himself anymore 🙂

Next weekend I run a 7K race. I’m still committed to participating in one timed event per month. I’m a 1/6 of the way there and have the two coldest months out of the way. Whew.

Megan’s latest love in life (after her build-a-bear and Orca) are word searches. She got a Level 1 book for Christmas (which I guess means the first letter of each word is bolded). She has started carrying that around with her and lays in bed now to do them as she falls asleep. She is getting good at holding the book up in the air while laying down and then drawing a cirlce while it’s like that – impressive. Here’s how I found her the other night…

Have you ever seen such a cute Abe Lincoln? Hee hee.

This is from January 2nd but I don’t think I posted it since this pic came from my iPhone. I took the kids to Cold Stone when it was below zero I believe. They had to prove to me that they weren’t cold by taking their ice cream outside and eating it. Goofballs.

What’s the opposite of undefeated? Don’t answer that. Here’s Christopher’s basketball team. Somehow they still managed to get a trophy despite their season record.

Here’s a portion of the Bronze Elite team holding their “High Gold” trophy. Since when did gold get divided into levels? Somebody’s got to be a loser – might as well get a taste of that early on in life. Right?

The kids put on a musical for church last week. The theme of the musical was that everybody has a dream…there’s that dream topic coming up again and again. Colleen got to help play one of the trees, Christopher got to be Joseph, and Megan rowed in a boat. Here’s Megan rowing, rowing, rowing.

Here’s our ecstatic Joseph ready to run off the stage and rip that costume off! Colleen’s in this one too, she’s holding up what’s left of her tree (someone chopped it down…but then it ended up being used to help build the manger).

I warned you…lot of randomness. I’m so jealous of Beth – tomorrow night she gets to hear the Renegade Gardener speak in her garden group. I’m hoping she gets some signed books for me. He’s a cool dude with a cool website and cool books. Yes, I know, another sign that I’m old. Oprah hasn’t returned my calls so I’m moving on.

2 Responses to “March Miscellaneous Madness”

  1. dave biggs says:

    I’m glad I can help with the kids college fund. Who does P.U. play the next roud in the NCAA? Love to All, Aunt Beth

  2. Purdue Pete says:


    Did you see the news that Purdue Pete has to give up his hammer – too violent. Boooooo. The new Purdue Pete stinks.

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