Weirdness – video edition


Just got a letter in the mail today from Paul Dean about Sean Neary’s child porn charges. Is this the guy whose house I would go to (alone) to work on my draftsmanship badge while in scouts? Yep, just the two of us, working side-by-side, in his house. I’ll have to contact Nashua police to see if they recognize me in any of those videos (I at least want my royalties!)? Between him and Brother Frank (and wasn’t there someone else?) we sure had a high ratio of complete sickos in that troop.

So, unrelated to sickos, I was cleaning up my email account today and ran across a few funny videos of people I work with. It’s people like this that are the secret to our continued success year after year!!!

1. Scroll down to see the video and then send money to this guy.

2. And here’s somebody I hired last year (here’s his 2nd video too)…going forward I’ve asked all applicants to share any videos with me during the interview process 🙂

3. And of course all of the “Old Man Parkour” videos that inspired millions of couch potatoes around the world to get up and jump, jump, jump around.

Old Man Parkour Vol. 1

Old Man Parkour Vol. 2

Old Man Parkour Vol. 3

Old Man Parkour Vol. 4

Old Man Parkour Vol. 5

Old Man Parkour Vol. 6

Old Man Parkour Vol. 7

Old Man Parkour Vol. 8


One Response to “Weirdness – video edition”

  1. Dad and Grandpa T says:

    Good luck on collecting any royalties. I haven’t heard much about Sean recently. Guess he got what he deserved. I’m not looking for any royalties from the time I shared a room with Brother Frank at Mt. Snow on the ski trip. Actually, I didn’t tell too many people about that – Bob Bear did a pretty good job of telling everyone after the news came out.

    The Patriots didn’t have much luck tonight. They couldn’t connect with passes. I’ve watched more football this season than I ever have. I’m enjoying the European soccer matches more than anything.

    Those are truly wierd videos. Did you see that guy’s video before or after you hired him? I can see why you might want to see videos before. Do both of them work with you? Monkeyman (Parkour) made me tired watching him and his choice of music wasn’t exactly to my taste either. Maybe I’ll get up early tomorrow to watch him again and it will inspire me to go out and jump over, around and off things. Actually, I finished reading your collections under your old links and found them to be more inspiring than all of his 8 Vols. I can see why I don’t spend much time watching YouTube clips.

    Speaking of videos. We saw the commercial tonight with the EPFD clip. If you have to bring a pie in for getting in the local paper, what did they have to bring in for being on national TV?

    I enjoyed the photos from your previous update, but didn’t get around to commenting. Looks like your kids are true Minnesotans with their sandals and riding sleds in pajamas. Glad Christopher did well in the pinewood derby and enjoyed participating. The girls always look like they are having a good time in their dance routines. Wished we lived closer so we could enjoy their activities in person.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you this Friday.

    Love Dad and Grandpa T.

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