Summer – Part I (pre-DC)

July 28th, 2014

Can you believe the summer is already more than half over? Insane! We finally wrapped up spring sports, just in time for fall sports to start! Megan really wanted to try softball. Ok, check that off the list, let’s go back to soccer šŸ™‚ I loved the name “Pearl” on her team (you can see her sitting on the bench). And Pearl looked like she has been waiting to play softball her whole life. Megan had some fun playing but it is a lot of standing around, and kids pitching in their first year can be rough (although some of the coaches didn’t pitch much better – shhhhh, who said that?).


And Megan wrapped up soccer too. I loved that at the end of each game all of the parents on the sideline would put their hands out and the players would run by and give us all high-fives. And then right after that, win or lose, her team would make a human tunnel and chant “2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate…blue team, blue team”, etc. and have the other team crawl through. After they would do it then the other team would typically make a tunnel…you can see Megan just starting to crawl out of the tunnel. Fun stuff! Hope they stay such good sports in high school and beyond!


This is what Megan’s ceiling looks like every night. She really wanted this just this year and loves it. A bit unrelated but she didn’t have any good ideas for her birthday, but then she went to St. Louis for a few days. She came to Beth the second day there and said that she had been watching commercials (we don’t have cable so commercials aren’t near as fun) and that now she had some great ideas for her birthday! Ha! Fun stuff (how do our kids ever survive and have any hope of being cool without cable!?!?!?) – needless to say a wobble ball and an air power soccer disc are on their way to our house as we speak.


I know you probably can’t tell what these pictures are but I recently had a meeting at a fire station a few cities away and on their wall are pictures of one of my first big “real” fires almost 15 years ago. It was a bed/mattress store on main street of an older town (the mattress were getting hot and almost popping in the intense heat). I was on the roof of one of the buildings and in awe of everything going on around me. It was a huge fire scene that gutted the entire building and gave me some great experience.


So…you’ll never guess what I almost hit while driving to Kansas City. The most dangerous part about this was me actually trying to take pictures at 70 mph. It was funny because I could see the plane circling back around and then was realizing how close it was going to come. The plane was loud and right in front of me and I’m clicking pictures, but then I realize it is still loud but the plane is now way past me…didn’t realize I was driving on the rumble strip – ruh roh.


Beth drove to St. Louis. Left the kids there. I drove to Kansas City the next weekend. Met her p’s halfway through Missouri. Got the kids and we drove home the next day. I went to Kansas City to see Jackson Browne with Wendy and Kristin. It was an absolutely amazing show. We talked about the songs we wanted to hear beforehand and why they were important to us. I guess that could have been risky and a letdown had he not played them. But he played them all. Listening to For A Dancer again in his acoustic tour was amazing – and this time I felt like I could focus on the words and the power and meaning while there. Jackson Browne was crazy relaxed and talkative – it was a great time. He even played the country version of Here Comes Those Tears Again (which he co-wrote with his mother-in-law, of his wife who died of suicide). So much meaning in so many songs. He really did help me get through an incredibly tough first year without Katherine. He played so many great songs and made it fun and meaningful.


You know how I love my food. We hit three barbeque places in 2 days in Kansas City: Gates Bar-B-Q (how could I not go there with a name like that), Jack Stack, and another one that wasn’t as good. Here we are waiting for our cheesy corn bake and hickory pit beans.


Christopher was in heaven lighting off fireworks that papa gave him.


If the kids ask to borrow $599.88 DON’T give it to them. Any fireworks that explode, fly, or make people smile or even think about smiling are banned in Minnesota. No fun patrol is in full force around 4th of July.


Father’s Day

June 16th, 2014

I know Iā€™m a day late, but in honor of Fatherā€™s Day I can proudly share the following that I learned from the best šŸ™‚ I still get just the Saturday and Sunday newspaper delivered (canā€™t quite let go of this physical newspaper that I read ā€“ maybe Iā€™ll go electronic soon enough), but sometimes before big holidays the Star Trib delivers an extra paper for free on Thursdays. I recently got a postcard saying (thanks for my loyal readership andā€¦) due to costs blah blah blah they would start charging for those Thursday papers. You mean charging for the Thursday papers that are 100% full of holiday ads? So now Iā€™m paying extra for delivery of a paper full of ads that I didnā€™t ask for? And the default option is to just start charging me? No no no, not on Fatherā€™s Day, I wonā€™t stand for that, what would my dad do? Darn tootinā€™ – I told them where to stick those papers and ads. Happy Fatherā€™s Day dad ā€“ hope youā€™re proud!

This is from a while ago but I thought it was also a fun fathery-type of memory. For Valentineā€™s Day the teachers sent a note home saying Christopherā€™s class would visit a local assisted living facility. When he got home that night I asked him how his party was and his only comment was that it was fine but he had to share it with old people. Heh heh. That about sums that up.

Iā€™m often asked what I remember most about Fatherā€™s Day growing up. I think for me it was all of us getting together and singing this song to show how proud we were of New England!

What? Nobody else remembers that? Something to remember for next year then, huh? Don’t let those traditions die before they even start. Dum, de, dum, de, dum, dum, da, dum, day. Oh New England.

Dad – if you get tired of your current job maybe you can join this dude, or start your own blog of ice cream in New England.

Who else finds themselves clicking the unlock button on their car remote repeatedly as they approach their mailbox or garden shed? Anybody? Just me? One of these days it will work like magic and youā€™ll all be amazed. Great idea for a Father’s Day gift for me next year.

Alright, enough, on with the blog. Happy Father’s Day dad! Thanks for everything over the years!

I meant to share this earlier ā€“ my blog has gone global!!! Thank you Susana šŸ™‚


Speaking of Susanaā€¦Susana, do you remember that frozen waterfall we took you to? Hereā€™s what it looks like after a wet and rainy spring! Big difference, huh?


Colleen and I got our picture in the paper for running a 5k to raise money to beat cancer. Donā€™t anybody show the picture in this link to Beth ā€“ Iā€™ll be in trouble for sure.

Colleen and I are doing a streaking challenge. Using MapMyRun we are trying to run 1-mile per day for as many consecutive days as we can. My streak is 18 days in a row and counting! Christopher has joined us on a few runs too ā€“ fun stuff! We did a mile for Father’s Day. Had to run that mile to jog off the crepes from breakfast in bed! Did our usual pizza and ice cream, lots of jumping on the trampoline, and ended the day with a big camp fire and s’mores.

This is what we did on Mother’s Day. Zoo, burgers, and malts. Lucky for Christopher the bears weren’t hungry!


Megan’s first softball game ever was played on the field behind her. Do you see home plate? Look closer. See it now? Still can’t – look closer. See that huge puddle – home plate is under the water somewhere. Megan scored three times – I don’t think she touched home plate for any of those runs! šŸ™‚


I love watching the kid’s soccer games. And I love watching Christopher’s football games. Basketball is ok too. But softball and baseball…no comment. I focus when Megan is up to bat. Her new technique is to let the kid-pitch balls hit her so she gets a base. Christopher and I have been bringing footballs (yes, more than one – how else can you knock the other person’s ball out of the air) and books to the softball games, and we alternate between playing catch and reading. But she is so cute in that catcher’s gear and her oversized bobble-head helmet šŸ™‚ Some of the softball moms are psycho – haven’t quite let go of not winning their high school championship game I guess. They are 8 year olds and it’s just a game – settle down.




Guess how many of these turtles Megan caught?


Schooner Days! Wheeee!


Christopher and Megan passed their latest Kung Fu belt tests. What technique, huh!


I think this was the free form dance part of the kung fu test


And here they are with the new belts.


Paella…socarrat is getting better each time…this was our best attempt yet!! Yummy!!! Who’s coming for dinner?


We’re heading into 5 straight days of rain and thunder storms. Time to build that ark.

Dandelion Soup

May 25th, 2014

I said I would stop saying life is crazy because crazy is normal, unless it truly is crazy and out of control, which it feels now, so I guess I’m back to saying life is crazy. The last of the monster snow piles finally melted completely away a few weeks ago; American Idol finally finished (we started watching it when Susana was here so it’s been a long time!); and now we’ve got soccer, track and field, and soft ball going along with all the things we were already doing before (swimming, kung foo, scouts, dance, etc).

Here’s a hint at my craziness. A week ago I spent all day Friday volunteering at an event for the Metro CISM team. We had speakers come to Minnesota from 9/11, Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, and the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Powerful stories and lessons learned related to providing support for first responders. Beth’s parents came up that same day. Then on Saturday I spent 6 hours volunteering at the Make-A-Wish ball (the highlight of the evening was watching > $120,000 get raised in about 10 minutes – which was after so much other money had already been donated throughout the night) – great amounts of money going to a great cause. Sunday morning started with two soccer games; then I revealed Make-A-Wish wishes to a set of twins (they each get their own wish); and then rushed to back-to-back dance recitals for Colleen (Megan and I snuck out after the first recital), followed by dinner out with everyone of course. Crazy or normal? I’m not sure any more.

It’s soooooo nice to have a 3-day Memorial Weekend with absolutely nothing on the calendar. Watched the Indy 500 today (wow – awesome race and ending) and have been out working in the yard most of the weekend. Megan wanted to plant even more stuff so we went crazy with a bunch of old seeds. Spring is definitely here…ducks are frequent visitors, saw our first humming bird today, Beth & Megan made dandelion soup (yep, for real), and we even saw a beautiful white swan in the marsh while we were on a walk tonight.

Here are answers to questions I asked Christopher just a bit after his birthday…sure sounds like last year, and the year before, and the year before for him, huh? šŸ™‚

Christopher’s 11th Birthday

My favorite food isā€¦ice cream cake (and pasta)
When I grow up I want to be aā€¦scientist
My favorite restaurant isā€¦Noodles
My favorite possession isā€¦Xbox
My favorite color isā€¦teal
My favorite song isā€¦I Have a Feeling (almost said Radioactive)
My favorite book isā€¦Dragon Champion
My favorite movie isā€¦(no clear favorite…likes a bunch of them)
My favorite holiday isā€¦Christmas (because it’s Jesus’ birthday and I get lots of presents)
My favorite season isā€¦spring (because of my birthday)
My favorite thing to do isā€¦read
If I could do anything tomorrow I wouldā€¦have my birthday party!
It would be a really good year this year ifā€¦I had fun the entire year

How come on the one day of the year that Beth asks me to drive the girls home from cross country they decide not to actually practice running on the track but instead they decide to all do running belly flops down a huge muddy hill in the rain? Hmmm…coincidence? I think not.


In the past we’ve had up to 15 girls come over for Colleen’s birthday parties. They get a bit wild at times but nothing too insane and they calm down pretty easy. For Christopher’s party we had five boys over. Just five. Not fifteen. Five. Each parent who dropped off their sons would say “Are you sure you can handle this?” and then run as fast as they could away from our house before waiting for our answer. Absolutely insane! Bouncing off the walls! Up late, up early, non-stop energy and talk and goofiness and physical playing and crazy ideas. Thankfully Christopher’s got a great set of friends. What a fun time! šŸ™‚



Is it wrong that the last words I heard in this photo (before I ran in the house without looking back) were, “This is a game called stick wars…first everyone needs to find a big stick…and don’t hit each other too hard…”?







Megan got to pick her country 3rd in her class and was thrilled to get Spain! She was really excited to do this because of Susana.


What a good big brother. We went to the zoo for Mother’s Day and Megan was worn out.


Nothing better than breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day! šŸ™‚


Megan’s soccer team is off to a great start. They played in a tournament last weekend. Their first game was 21-1. Megan’s coach had them passing several times before they could score but even that didn’t help. It was ugly. We felt bad clapping for our girls after a while but the teams were a complete mismatch.


Megan’s teammate’s expression says it all – your leg is not supposed to bend like that!


Getting ready to juke the goalie!


This picture made me laugh just trying to figure out which way the ball is going and how everybody’s legs got so twisted.


We went on an Arbor Day walk and they had some beekeeper attire to try on. I love that girl’s expression as she looks at Megan.


And with a prop šŸ™‚


I asked Megan if she wanted to wear a ponytail at her next soccer game. This was her answer…



Spring is sprunging

April 26th, 2014

Christopher is camping all weekend. Beth and Colleen are at a dance competition all day today (and by all day I mean from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.). So today is a special day for just Megan and me. She was so excited for it and even said it was like her special birthday. I got up early to play racquetball and when I got back at 9:00 a.m. I had to laugh because this note was waiting for me from Megan…hey, it’s her special day šŸ™‚


That’s my daughter – making lists! And checking things off – I love it! She chose this outdoor activity working together over going to the movies – how truly cool is that?!?!? So great. We bought seeds and planted them already. Carrots. Spinach. And peas. Not many other things to plant this early. She’s been working hard. We even thatched a bit (pic below). We got all the outdoor furniture out, and brought in the Christmas lights strung through all our bushes way up on top of the hill in back. We also bought fish – some for the pond and some for her fish tank. And we got donuts. Not sure what else she has planned for us today – can’t wait to find out!


We had a nice Easter. Beautiful service and nice day. And lots of awesome food from all grandparents – everyone must be worried we’re not eating enough šŸ™‚







And look who came back? As I’ve said before – it’s my Tony Soprano moment. I love when my ducks come back. Now if only we could keep Orca from the pond! Megan and I had another special moment this week when we got to watch 2 or 3 daddy ducks “wrestling” with mommy duck to show her how much they want to be with her. I know it’s normal activity for ducks but it always is such a violent exchange. At least they were on dry land this time and not in the pond. Now we’ll wait 22-28 days and see what happens. And I’m glad they stuck around even after it snowed again – surprised them and us.





And look at the new pillow we bought. Colleen has been working hard in school, dance, etc – busy, busy, busy and making us proud every day.


We had a great trip to the Kalahari for spring break. It was a fun time with lots of activities that the Great Wolf doesn’t have (although it was a lot more expense and felt like they wanted more money every time we turned around). Colleen brought two friends which was a lot of fun for her (and all of us). They had a great hot tub that you could enter indoors and then walk outdoors. And really cool water rides. Fun stuff.









The Kalahari had a candy shop with all sorts of fancy treats. Theirs were fine but nothing compared to the cool ones the kids made when we got home out of marshmallows, chocolate and icing. Anybody want to place an order for their next party? šŸ™‚


How much would you give for this tooth? I’ve got it for sale on ebay – keep your fingers crossed. Only a few silver memories remain in Megan’s mouth from that dreaded first dentist appointment 5 years ago when she had 20 cavities. I still don’t think it was a coincidence that Beth had me take Megan to that appointment (whatever, I’m over it…almost).


And of course the Leprechauns visited us again for St. P’s day. Turning all our food green – grrrr. Good thing Beth loves this holiday so much or I’d have to set some Leprechaun traps to take care of them once and for all.



Taking advantage of one last snowstorm of the season. After this the kids wouldn’t go out any more – they were tired of snow and sledding and ready to get their bikes out!!!


Colleen danced at another Timberwolves game. Look front and center for her. Some dork in front of us was wearing a big fuzzy wolf hat. I took some amazing photos but they all turned out like this one – heh heh. But you can still see Robbie Hummel (Boiler Up!) shooting a 3-pointer. Speaking of Boiler Up! – where’s my dollar from Aunt B for Purdue smashing IU on Feb 15, 2014 with a win of 82-64? Was the margin of victory so high that you’re wondering if you should send more than one dollar? Been checking my mailbox every day for months now.



This was the first week of April in Minnesota. I love the snow – won’t catch me complaining. But finally a few weeks later all of our snow is mostly gone – there are still big piles near parking garages where the snow was piled up way high.


Are we still looking for signs everywhere that Katherine or others are watching out for us or trying to send us a message? I’m still not sure if Katherine is channeling her messages through Orca but here’s a message that was left for us in the snow šŸ™‚


Or instead if I paused longer to look at photos like this would I see hearts and other signs everywhere in nature…


Mmmm…Grandma T chocolate chip oatmeal cookies! I was busy with the kids a few weeks ago and baked up lots of yummy stuff. And…for Easter this year I FINALLY was successful making Grandma T cinnamon rolls. They have never really turned out but this time they were amazing and so close to what they always used to taste like. Fun memories eating all of her cinnamon rolls over the years!


Intense video game playing underway…


Beth and I went to see Kevin Breel perform at a high school about an hour from here for a group working hard to Stomp Out Suicide. Kevin is known for his Confessions of a Depressed Comic TED Talk. It was good to hear his message in person and meet him afterwards. He is from British Columbia and got his suicidal wake up call on Feb 26, 2011 – interesting coincidences with location and dates while at a suicide event. It was an hour drive on a Friday night and we ended up getting to this small town early…so we checked out a small town Minnesota bar. I love bars like that…miss the days of playing pool and drinking nasty light beer in small town bars. We walked in just in time to enter the meat raffle (Ha! So who has no idea what that is and is thinking odd thoughts now???) Not sure that Beth liked the bar as much as I did…but I took a picture of their flyer in case our memories fade…was hoping we’d make it back for the naughty toga contest šŸ™‚



Ok…where’s Waldo? See if you can find Christopher…keep looking.


Give up? Here’s your hint…


Feed My Starving Children. Easy. Fun for the whole family. Giving back. Good, good, good.


And look what else Megan and I have been up to…I was a bit worried when our first YouTube instructional video that was 19 minutes took us over 2 hours to complete…but since then we’ve been on fire and cranking these things out. Guess what everybody is getting for Christmas! šŸ™‚


Ok. Gotta go. Take care everyone!

Two year anniversary

March 27th, 2014

Itā€™s been two years since my sister, Katherine, died. That first year was insane. It was a whirlwind of emotions. We were constantly watching out for ourselves and each other ā€“ or just trying to get through each day as we cycled through all stages of grief. It forced all of us to deal with emotions that most of us had never even considered. But we got through it, and we continue to heal and rebuild.

The second year has been more educational and reflective for me, and Iā€™ve started to think more and more about my purpose in life. I still think about Katherine every single day, and you never know when grief will hit. The biggest mental turning point for me has been my understanding that mental illness, depression, anxiety, etc are no different from any other disease. We can watch for signs, we can take steps to reduce our risks, but in the end they are diseases that canā€™t be controlled. This means that people with these diseases donā€™t have a choice in the act of suicide. They died by suicide. They died as a result of depression. Just like you died by heart attack as a result of heart disease. They didnā€™t commit suicide. They didnā€™t choose to die. They didnā€™t choose to leave us. Professor Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University has a great 24-lecture series on Stress and Your Body. He very clearly states that major depression is one of the worst illnesses out there. With other illnesses you get a wake-up call and find joy to keep on living but with depression, by definition, people have lost the ability to feel pleasure and find happiness. Anxiety may be even more prevalent than depression, and again, is also a real medical disorder.

I knew nothing about any of this two years ago. I had opinions that were wrong. I wanted to know why she chose to leave us. Why she didnā€™t ask us for help. Why she would want to leave so much behind. I used phrases that werenā€™t accurate and unknowingly perpetuated stereotypes. I come across the word ā€œstigmaā€ frequently and it always seems so blameful ā€“ such a negative word – I don’t like that one, which may be the point. Even in yesterdayā€™s Facebook postings about Katherine it was very easy to find words that are wrong and mask the truth. And these are comments by loved ones who have been part of this experience. If itā€™s so easy for us to capture this inaccurately then of course itā€™s impossible for the general public to relate to and understand the complexities of mental illness and suicide.

Hereā€™s a great short article (with audio if you prefer that) by Alan Lessik offering a great perspective from someone who lost a loved one to a fatal mental illness (and coincidentally has a connection to Pearson): Judge Not His Death

And isnā€™t it amazing now how many times we see awful news about suicide. Itā€™s all around us and can impact anyone in all walks of life. Itā€™s still hard not to judge or make generalized assumptions when you see that it is related to a celebrity, CEO, etc. But we shouldnā€™t judge. Itā€™s no different than what weā€™ve been through. I just read Highest Duty: My Search For What Really Matters, by Captain Chesley ā€œSullyā€ Sullenberger. This is the pilot who landed a damaged US Airways flight onto the Hudson River in January 2009. Itā€™s a good book and really shows how all of his life experiences and training put him in the perfect spot that day to save so many lives. One impact on his life was that his dad died of suicide at the age of 78 when Sully was 43 years old. He says,

  • ā€œNaturally, I was distraught, angry, and upset with myself. I thought that I should have been paying closer attention to him. Intellectually, my mom, my sister, and I knew better. As with so many suicides, I donā€™t think any of us who loved him could have prevented him from doing what he didā€¦After Flight 1549, people wrote to tell me that they could sense how much I valued life. Quite frankly, one of the reasons I think Iā€™ve placed such a high value on life is that my father took hisā€¦his death did have an effect on how Iā€™ve lived, and on how I view the world. It made me more committed to preserving life. I exercise more care in my professional responsibilities. I am willing to work very hard to protect peopleā€™s lives, to be a good Samaritan, and to not be a bystander, in part because I couldnā€™t save my father.ā€

Itā€™s up to all of us to help raise awareness. Take care of yourself first. But if youā€™re ok then keep reading. We should share our experiences. We should proactively ask others how they are doing, especially if they have given us any depression/anxiety/suicide comments or hints about themselves or others in their lives. And then listen to them and be there for them. We should be conscious about our choice of words. I meet with anyone that wants to talk to me about related topicsā€¦once Iā€™m aware (and that is the hard part). I have met with co-workers and friends, people concerned about their kids, and people concerned about their parents. I have a Pinterest board. I have offered to help anyone at church who needs to talk on topics I can relate to. These are just some of the ways I try to spread these positive values and help others. Weā€™ve been through it, and we are better equipped to help others.

Professor Robert Sapolsky (who I mentioned above) acknowledges that he has 22 lectures of bad news before he gets to some positive messages in his last two lectures in that series. His focus is on stress and how bad that is for us. But my particular interest was the connection to depression and anxiety. So what can we do?

  • Take care of ourselves. Do the obvious things like eat well and donā€™t smoke. Duh – you’ve heard it before.
  • And you need to exercise. Youā€™ve heard this how many times before? Yes, exercise. 30+ minutes every day. It needs to be something that you enjoy doing. Make the time for this. I have made this change in my life and can stick to it most weeks. But I have to be intentional about it because it is important to me. I donā€™t know if depression sneaks up on you or if wham! one day I get hit by it, but if finding 30 minutes a day will help me (and provides so many other benefits) then sign me up.
  • He also recommends transcendental meditation and having a strong support network. Iā€™ve been very blessed to have a small group of people who watch out for me and that I feel comfortable talking to. I donā€™t shy away from any conversations about what Iā€™m thinking about and how Iā€™m feeling. Itā€™s good for me and good for others too. Hearing about vulnerability in others makes it ok for more people to share.
  • He also mentions having a religious belief but it is harder to show correlation since people with these beliefs are typically doing other things right and their church provides them a support network that is crucial.
  • The last thing he mentions is essentially your coping strategy. Knowing what you can change or control and what you canā€™t ā€“ when to accept and when to move on. Knowing when to change your strategy. Keeping the right things in perspective. I have learned how to be open and share what is on my mind. I absolutely try to continually educate myself so I am best equipped to make the right decisions. Sharing this information with each other is essential to this and part of my process.

Here a short related excerpt from an interview with Andrew Solomon who has suffered from depression and his advice on how best to support others (

  • “I often say to people who describe having a friend whoā€™s depressed ā€œYou need to make sure that the person is never alone.ā€ Sometimes that means talking to them, and sometimes when they are too miserable to talk, it means sitting quietly by their bed. And sometimes when even having another human being in the room feels overwhelming to them, it involves sitting right outside the bedroom door. It never involves going away and it never involves taking seriously their claims that they want to be alone. Depression is a disease of loneliness and the best way to address it is to mitigate that aloneness.”

I was in a discussion recently with someone in a book study at work about our purpose in life. I donā€™t know how I would have answered that two years ago. I donā€™t think you can just pick your purpose and expect to get it right and for it to be meaningful. Sometimes it finds you, like it or not. Iā€™m not sure that we can help or save everyone. But what we can do is live for being happy today, be there for those around us, chase your dreams, and live life with no regrets. A huge focus in my life now is thinking about how I can make a positive difference in the lives of others. Concepts from The Dream Manager have absolutely changed what I focus on in my life in the past several years. I talk about these principles at work and with friends. I am working on doing the same at church this year. I am looking at more local groups on depression/grieving/suicide to see where I may fit in to help. Iā€™m trying to build a larger presence on Pinterest. If youā€™re interested in talking more about any of the things I mentioned and seeing how we can make an ever bigger impact please let me know.

I also am thinking about changing some of my writing style to be more focused on an audience that doesnā€™t know me and my story. Largely when I write it is very beneficial for me ā€“ but I get great comments from some of you throughout the year too. But could I write on topics that I know about and help others on their journey? Other than these being way too long (I know, I know) Iā€™d love feedback. Respond in comments or send me a separate email. What do you like about how I write? Where can I improve? What topics should I cover? What questions do you have? Misconceptions? Uncertainties? Things youā€™ve learned that I could elaborate on and share? How about this ā€“ would you like to hear more on happiness and pursuing dreams?

Take care of yourself. Dream big. Be there and even just listen to those in need. Educate others. Think about your purpose in life and what more you can do.

One last comment. Jeff Olson in The Slight Edge referenced an article saying that only 10 people on average will cry at your funeral and that

  • ā€œthe number one factor that would determine how many people would go on from the funeral to attend the actual burial would beā€¦the weather.ā€ ā€œIf it happened to be raining, said the articleā€™s author, 50 percent of the people who attended my funeral would decide maybe they wouldnā€™t go on to attend my burial after all, and just head home.ā€

Just think of how many people cried at Katherineā€™s funeral. Think of how many lives she touched. Think of how long that line was. And think of how many people did go on to the actual burial and stood in the rain on a cold New England day for Katherine. She was a special person and is still loved and missed so much.


March 26th, 2014

In the beginning
 all the time
  when I woke up
   when I went to bed
    any time in between
     when I walked into work
      when I walked out of work
       but I kept it out of work
        had to then
         when my phone rang at work
          you are never prepared for that phone call

when I drive up the street to my parent’s house
 when I drive down the street away from my parent’s house
  when I think about that first moment at their house
   and we all stand in the kitchen and catch up on things
    and get to see and hug each other for the first time of that visit
     and joke and laugh with each other
      and get some cookies from the cookie jar
       thatā€™s always a special moment
        itā€™s still special
         but is missing something now

when I think about my parents
 and all the things they did right
  and all the love we showed each other
   and all the happiness waiting for all of us
    together in the future

when I think about future family reunions

when I look at our last family pictures
 and thought we were doing it for another reason
  it wasnā€™t Katherine that we were worried about then
   you never know the reason
    take the picture

when I think about my brother
  and his family
    and my parents
     and Katherineā€™s family
      her husband
       and girls
        those smiling, happy girls
         we worry about them remembering too much
          yet not remembering enough
     those precious, special girls
      and extended family
   and her best friend
    all of her friends
     and her co-workers
      and anyone fortunate enough to see her beautiful spirit shine
   you never know the reason for making all those connections
    make the connections

when I think about New Hampshire
   New England
    a trip to Disney
     a trip to Grand Marais
      she said a summer trip is ā€œgood for us!ā€ 2 weeks before she died
     the struggle to live
      and to die
       at the same time

when I think of a cold and dreary New England day
 or see a timeless New England cemetery
  when I hear bagpipes
   wow were they sad that day
    and yet beautiful in a way Iā€™d never heard before
     and donā€™t want to hear again

at any holiday
 when I have a birthday and turn a year older
  New Years
    Thanksgiving with family
     itā€™s so odd that my happiness related to aging and family holidays
      triggers sadness
       the happier I see us all
        the sadder I want to feel sometimes

when I think about my childhood

when I see anyone take their family for granted

when I hear anyone say the word “sister”
 or ā€œbrotherā€
  especially if they are complaining about their siblings
   hey grown-ups
    please donā€™t complain about your siblings
   I know kids will fight with each other
    thatā€™s normal, and part of every childhood
     watching my children do that stirs up many emotions in me
      frustration, sadness, hurt, mad, plus others I guess
       I have to leave the room and not deal with it
        guess it makes me miss Katherine even more
         and wants me to have them appreciate each other all the time
          I know itā€™s not realistic
           but wow does it overwhelm me

when I see other families fight
 over the silliest things
  and just not get how precious life is
   especially when these families know my story
    but they forget
     please appreciate what you have
      or if you donā€™t appreciate it
       please donā€™t do that in front of me
        especially during holidays which are already tough on me
         help me every day continue to live my life positively
          and inspire others
           and not judge
            and have patience
             and respect all those around me
              and help me ā€œbe kindā€ as the quote says
               because everyone you meet is fighting a great battle

when I worry about telling my kids
 when I worry about not telling my kids

every time one of my children says they hate me
 yes, it happens to all of us
  hopefully not often
   but all kids say it
    it digs deep
     in ways it wouldnā€™t have two years ago
    or when they cry over friends
     or not fitting in
      how can you not worry?
       do you overreact?
         love them
          listen to them
           be there
            donā€™t judge
             create that loving environment.

when I think about how Grandma T would always pause when we’d go
 through old photos
  when she got to Grandpa T’s sister Margareet who died when
   she was in her early twenties of cancer
    something about the way she said it or paused I think
     showed a profound impact on Grandpa T for the rest of his life
      it would be interesting to hear if he ever talked about her
       or how that impacted him
        and how his life changed
         does anyone know?

when I look at draft emails still addressed to Katherine
 or the messages from her still saved in my phone
  or read her comments in my blog
   so glad I created that blog
    it is the 1st item I ever pursued after reading The Dream Manager
     Katherine always talked about creating her own blog
      she really wanted to do it
       but it never happened
      so glad she read my blog
       so glad she wrote comments
        you never know why you do some things
         and the benefits they will produce
          chase your dreams
           write your blog (or whatever is on your dream list)
            who cares what others think
             take small steps at first
              but just do it
               support other peopleā€™s dreams
                write those comments
                 they mean so much

when I have great memories of her
 itā€™s so true that we remember and miss the small things
  the imperfections, crazy moments, and unique traits
   those random, funny email that I still have saved
    jigsaw puzzles of course
     that wonderful laugh/snort/chortle/burst with that smile
      the awesome gifts she bought me
       will I ever throw some of those away now?
        how long will a G. H. Bass jacket last and still be so stylish?
         donā€™t answer that
          I say I need to get better at buying gifts like she did
           talk is cheap, huh?
      when I hear ā€œwicked awesomeā€
       ok, I never hear that
      when I drive past where she got pulled over by the police
       for speeding in Minnesota
        while in her pajamas
         with no I.D.
          with her best friend
           and not really knowing where they were
            must have made that copā€™s day

when I watch my children grow older
 when I see my daughter dancing
  and growing older
   and making lifelong friends
    when I fold her flannel pajamas
     when she wears new dance costumes and make-up
      I can picture Katherine at that age doing these same things

when I still think about calling Katherine out of the blue
 it just doesnā€™t seem real some days
  this really happened to our family?

when I connect with a song
 For a Dancer by Jackson Browne
  ā€œAnd somewhere between the time you arrive
  And the time you go
  May lie a reason you were alive
  But you’ll never knowā€
   find songs or poems or stories that have meaning to you

When I see my grey hairs
 when I donā€™t sleep well at night
  because my mind is up
   I sleep better now
    but those grey hairs donā€™t turn back to brown
     thanks Katherine

when I hear people say
  ā€œIā€™d kill for thatā€
   ā€œheā€™s dead to meā€
    ā€œslit my wristsā€
     “hang myself”
      they are just words we all use
       but I pause on them now
        and try to be intentional
         and thoughtful
          in my words and actions

when I try to think about what she must have been thinking
 and going through
  so much that I donā€™t understand
   and canā€™t relate to
    but Iā€™m learning a lot and continue to learn
     and not judge
          are scraping sounds of teeth against a metal fork or spoon
           a warning sign or just a way to annoy your sister?
            who knows.
  when I tap my fingernails on the wall
   as I walk down a hallway
    or stairwell
     but I can stop tapping my nails
      I control it
       but others canā€™t
        so hard to understand

when I lay my shoes side by side for the next day
 the right shoe goes on the right
  the left shoe goes on the left
   now that canā€™t be changed
    donā€™t mess with my shoes
      what makes it anxiety and OCD?
       versus just being silly?

when I jog past a certain area in this loop that I do
 I talk to her there
  we all need to handle this in our own way
   find that special spot
    talk to yourself
     talk to her
       donā€™t bottle it up

when I pause and hug my kids real tight

when I see a beautiful sunrise

when I have a bad day

when I get in a slump for a day or two

when I let small things frustrate me

when I think about others going through struggles
 and I still don’t ask them about it enough when they say they are “ok”
  it’s awkward
   or we forget weeks later
    and I can’t assume just because someone is having a bad day
     that it will end up in suicide
      but you never know
       so live a good life
        and always be there for others
         listen and watch for signs

when I see awful stories in the news
 when I hear others make judgments about suicide
  and state why people did it
   and how could they leave so much behind
    or be so selfish
     we have so much to learn

it’s a disease
 just like a heart attack
  you can’t control it
   and shouldnā€™t be judged

when I hear a judgment come out of my mouth
 I hope this doesnā€™t happen often
  we all do it
   often without realizing it
    you never know the other personā€™s story
     or what theyā€™ve been through
      or what they are going through
       nice words and thoughts go a long way

when I try to think about what day to honor her each year
 but really itā€™s every day
  every day is a great day to remember her
   and live a life that she would be proud of
    but it’s not enough to say every day
     I really want an intentional day to celebrate her life
      or do focused good in the world in her name
       I’m open to ideas

every time I tell someone new who I am
 I may not tell them about this right away
  but Iā€™m thinking about it
   itā€™s a huge part of me
    it has shaped me
     and focused me
       and helping me define a purpose
        and to live intentionally
         without judgment
          not take any day or moment for granted
           and be there for others all of the time
     but Iā€™d trade it all back in a heartbeat

when I think about what I want to focus my life on
 when I think about what truly matters
  when I think about what I would change in this world if I could
   when I help others understand why itā€™s important to have dreams
    and pursue them
     and live for today
      and be happy now
       because thatā€™s the only guarantee that we have
       and I’m inspired by the people
        who have already used this as a wake up call
         and are pursuing their dreams now

when I think about dream lists
 Katherine had 19 dreams in her list
  I think she accomplished one of those
   do the rest of us live the remaining dreams for her?
    do I just need to post something to Etsy?
     or does someone have to actually buy it?
      heh heh
       is it ok to share most of her dreams?

when I think about the good person I want to always be
 and the shining example I want to set for others
  and the best that I can be

when I think about if I can really ever save anyone
 all we can do is try
  be there for people
   spread happiness
    share some smiles
     donā€™t judge
      give people space
       but not too much space
        but how do you know where that line is
         all we can do is try the best we can
          and be good people

those of us that can control our lives
 should control our lives
  and help others
   and learn
    and do better
     because we know better

when I think about keeping our entire family together
 when I think about how fragile life is
  when I think about living each day to its fullest
   and treasuring the blessings we have before us each day
    and being there for others
     all the time
      even when we don’t feel like it
       yes, even then
        all the time
       and how far Iā€™ve come in the past two years
        I think the best thing I can do to honor her memory
         is continue to improve and live the best life I can
           help others
             give back
              just be there
               focus on today
                that’s all we can guarantee
                 life is precious
                  enjoy each day to it’s fullest
                   because you never know

All we talk about is the…

March 2nd, 2014

…weather. I know. Weather, weather, weather. That’s all we talk about. I might as well perpetuate that stereotype by writing about it and sharing several pictures. It’s cold. Cold, cold, cold. And snowy. Cold and snowy. Brrr. Yesterday’s paper said this is the 4th snowiest winter on record and the coldest winter in 36 years. Brrr. Interesting, even though it has been so cold, only one single-day record was set this season…and that was for being warm…a 47-degree high on December 28th, 2013. Crazy. Crazy cold. But I still like it. And I’m fine with shoveling. Maybe it will kill the chiggers in our backyard šŸ™‚ Did you see the picture from my phone of the crazy -21F (feels like -42F) weather forecast and it says “Fair” – uh? What?

I’m proud to announce that we won the 2013-2014 neighborhood Christmas light challenge once again. It took until mid-February but we outlasted all other houses down the entire length of our street and turned our Christmas lights off last once again. Sweet. Where’s our prize?

And check out that view from the top of the IDS building that I ran up 50 floors. You can see the Metrodome with the roof already gone (by now the entire building has been destroyed as they prepare to build a new stadium).

I had a great trip to Vail, Co. My 9th year in a row going out there. Beautiful scenery. Good weather. Didn’t get that 1′ of snow that I was hoping for but it was still great conditions in most areas.

Christopher is now officially a boy scout. He crossed over the bridge. Woohoo! And I snuck in a few photos that were recently sent to me from past scouting events. What’s that green stuff we’re standing on in that one photo? And his basketball team made it to the final four. They played their best game of the season to advance but then got beat by a really good team. Christopher played a great game – got several rebounds and played tough defense on some of their best players. We went out to dinner last night and he didn’t finish his pasta (which was a fairly small portion to begin with). That’s not normal so I asked him what was going on. His response shocked all of us…a day we thought we’d never see coming…he said there was too much parmesan cheese on his pasta. Our jaws dropped. We were all stunned šŸ™‚

Colleen is still dancing up a storm and did great in all of her dances at the competition last weekend. And Megan talked mommy into making crepes this morning – her favorite šŸ™‚

Happy Birthday Grandma! Enjoy your special day šŸ™‚

Oh Susana

February 16th, 2014

From August 2013 to February 2014 we had an intern (foreign exchange student) from Spain live with us. Susana came from a small village in Spain (but most recently lives in Soria) and worked in our childrenā€™s Spanish immersion school full-time as an intern helping teachers in the classrooms.

Itā€™s no secret that I love to create lists. Thatā€™s how I think. Here are items from a list I created before we decided to have someone come live with us. Iā€™ve included all of the original items and then after each item I added my updated thoughts after having had an amazing time having Susana live with us for six months.


Kids will improve their Spanish. Iā€™ll give us a B+. I think an A would have required focused study time ā€“ none of us would have enjoyed getting that ‘A’ šŸ™‚ Yes, this happened, the kids got to practice Spanish in the house. Wow do they talk crazy fast! Susana was great about talking to the kids in Spanish. And of course we spoke all of the time in English to Susana to help her improve and learn English even more. I learned some new Spanish words too. I was also amazed at how many words I remembered from 20 years ago. Maybe someday Iā€™ll even be able to put two words together (me talk like cave man in Spanish ā€“ ugh).

Itā€™s the right thing to do. A+. Absolutely ā€“ this is true. I live my life by action and setting a good example. We owe it to ourselves, children, school and community to support the Spanish Immersion program, and this was a huge step for us. Weā€™re helping another human who wants to be a teacher and devote her life to helping kids learn. It set a great example to our kids about giving back. And made us feel great. And there were so many other benefits that Iā€™ll continue to list in this post.

Weā€™ll get more involved with school & meet other parents. Iā€™ll rate this a C+. We met a few more parents ā€“ not a ton, and we do know a few of those parents a lot better (which is great), but weā€™re not great at this in general and not something we ever focus on. Hopefully others know us better now and will maybe reach out to us. We know some more faces to wave at but Iā€™m not sure that Iā€™ll remember names that go with those faces. As an added benefit it was great meeting more interns ā€“ a truly great group! All of the interns are so appreciative and kind so it is great to continually run into them and say hello.

Having another adult in the house could help with the kids. Iā€™ll give this another A+. It was intentionally never our goal to have Susana babysit or take on more than her share of chores, but the chores that she did take on were incredibly helpful. I would tell her all the time that she didnā€™t have to do the dishes right after the meal and clean up as much as she did. But she never listened to me (why should she treat me any different from anyone else in the house ā€“ ha!) and would always say of course she would do them. What a HUGE help to have small chores like that consistently done so that we would all be prepared for the next adventure or craziness hitting the household. She also become our default door opener for the dog (her seat was closest to the door). Orca has never been so happy having someone open the door all the time for her šŸ™‚ We also really tried hard not to put her in the role of being a babysitter but the few times that we asked if she could help out she was there for us ā€“ again, a HUGE help. And it was reassuring to have her around in the mornings every so often when we would both have to go into work early.

It would be cool and help us learn more about other cultures. Yes, A+ again. The day Susana arrived she brought some gifts from her home town along with a video of that region. So cool ā€“ and beautiful. Throughout the six months we asked lots of questions and constantly talked about how our cultures were different. I think at times Susana couldnā€™t believe how many activities we could jam into one evening (all three kids going to different spots at different times and we still managed somehow to eat while rushing out the door some nights). She said life back home was at a much slower pace. And we ate at different times, and we fed her strange food (corn is only for the pigs in Spain ā€“ that was fun for us!). It helped that we LOVE Spanish food so making paella and eating Manchego cheese frequently was perfect.

Someone to help the kids with homework if we ever didnā€™t understand the Spanish instructions. Iā€™ll give this a B because I donā€™t think we really needed much homework. Susana would have absolutely helped if this was ever the case but most of our kidā€™s homework is done on the bus before it even gets home (bus work, not home work!).

Other pros that we didnā€™t anticipate and didnā€™t make it on my original list:

We experienced Minnesota more, and we lived life more fully every day. We were always looking for things to do with Susana or things to share with her or talk about. Weā€™d look for different foods to try or find activities to do on the weekends. Some of these were things Iā€™ve been saying we should do for 10 years and we finally made them happen. This was fun for all of us. Life is short ā€“ live in the now!

We were better behaved in our own house. We tried to always be on our best behavior. It is easier not to get frustrated over small things and show it when someone else is in your house. It was a great daily reminder of not sweating the small stuff and treating each other with respect. We smiled more often and went out of our way to say ā€œgood morningā€ and ā€œgood nightā€ and ask ā€œhow was your day?ā€ These are things we should be doing every day. And we are continuing to do. Thank you Susana for these daily reminders and always positive attitude and genuine curiosity and always having energy to play endlessly with the kids!

Add someone else to your family. You donā€™t get many chances in life to connect with another person like this and treat them like a family member. We have hopefully created some lifelong bonds for all of us. It will be fun for all of us to see where Susanaā€™s life leads and also for her to watch our kids grow and navigate through life. It was great to get to know another person who is in a very exciting period of their life. The daily conversations were always great and uplifting.


Weā€™ll have less privacy. This was never an issue. Susana was in the basement with her own bedroom and bathroom and we all could find our own space whenever we needed it. If anything, I was worried if the kids would invade her privacy but somehow Susana and her boyfriend managed to let Megan sit in on many of their Skype sessions too ļŠ

Family visits will be harder due to the intern staying in our guest bedroom. Neither of our parents visit that frequently since they are out of state so this was never an issue. My parents visited and we very easily setup a bedroom in the office which I think worked out fine. Maybe not ideal but I donā€™t think it was ever a hardship and hopefully wasnā€™t the reason we didnā€™t get more visitors. Likewise, it was fun to bring Susana on a trip to St. Louis to visit Bethā€™s family and to experience a road trip through Iowa with us (woohoo ā€“ Iowa). Did I ever mention how much I detest Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Booo Cedar Rapids. Spread the word. Avoid it. Theyā€™ll be happy and so will you. Oh, wait, back to my postā€¦

Risk of having a ā€œbad intern experienceā€ ā€“ donā€™t get along; feel awkward in our own home; someone who makes messes & doesnā€™t do their share. Nope. None of this EVER happened. Never. We have no idea what a ā€œbad intern experienceā€ is. Susana was awesome. We all always felt at home. And hopefully she also always felt at home. Not an issue ever.

Emotional/time commitment of having someone else in your home for so long. This one is tough to answer but I think Susana helped make this great for us too. As much as we wanted to spend all of our time with Susana and continue to show her American experiences it made for great breaks when she took a few extended trips outside of Minnesota. She traveled to New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco while she was here. Her San Francisco trip was for 10-days over Christmas and New Years. When we first heard about the timing of that trip my personal reaction was a bit of sadness that we wouldnā€™t get to be with her over those holidays. And we would have loved spending those holidays with her but it ended up being great having ā€œalone timeā€ with just our family and getting to recharge a bit. It would have worked out fine either way but I think there was something helpful in having Susana take some vacations on her own. And of course those experiences were so great for her to take while she was here. She definitely planned and made the most of her U.S. trip.

Basement is cramped (e.g., weights in guest bedroom & closets full). This probably ended up being more of a positive than a negative. This forced me to clean up the basement. This forced me to make our guest bedroom into a real bedroom. We moved dressers. We bought Christopher his own non-yellow dresser. We moved nightstands and cleaned out a closet. I moved my weights. We added drapes and a hanging shelf in the bathroom. It was all good and necessary. I just hope we didnā€™t make that bedroom too good so that Colleen will want to move down there now (itā€™s been almost a week and she hasnā€™t asked yet) ļŠ

Increased spending – utility, food, gas. We ended up spending money on food primarily ā€“ but thatā€™s because I love going out to eat so we probably went out more than we typically do as a family. I look at that as a good thing that we all enjoyed. Not an issue ever ā€“ we enjoyed the experiences and never kept track of money at all. The school has a great, well-planned internship program so most transportation was taken care of along with additional intern activities.

Colleen will dance less in basement. The kids still managed to play and dance in the basement. Maybe not as much as before at first but towards the end they were almost too comfortable about going down there ā€“ but Susana never complained at all ā€“ believe me, I would ask a lot to make sure all was good. I donā€™t think this ever really became an issue at all.

I asked the kids what their favorite things were to do with Susana, words to describe her, and funniest memory ā€“ hereā€™s what I heard from them: playing with her; wrestling (2x); sledding; going to the Mall of America a lot; awesome (2x); cool; fun (2x); amazing; friendly; funny; nice; tackling Susana and Irene in the snow; watching Christopher tackle Susana in the basement; when Megan told her to say ā€œpoopā€ but she didnā€™t know what it was so she kept saying it. I also remember how funny it was when we learned that Susanā€™s friendā€™s name pronounced ā€œE-wren-Eā€ was actually “Irene” in English, and continually giving her a hard time about mixing up ā€œheā€ and ā€œsheā€ (sorry I kept picking on you for that Susana ā€“ Iā€™ll be in LOTS of trouble whenever we make it over to Spain in the future ā€“ you owe me!).

In summary, this was absolutely a positive experience that we will cherish forever. It was fantastic getting to know Susana and showing off our family, and our city & state. The kids had a great time and loved being able to play and wrestle (yes, wrestle) with Susana quite a bit (Christopherā€™s highlight was wrestling two interns to the ground at the same time in the snow ā€“ too funny!). She was always a great sport and put up with my sense of humor too on a daily basis (I know some of you can relate to that – no easy feat) ā€“ it was fun for all of us to laugh at lots of stuff all the time. Beth and Susana had fun cooking and sharing some recipes (we worked on perfecting paella and tortillas, while Susana learned how to make rice-crispy-treats which donā€™t exist in Spain and tasting Spam (yuck!!!)). It was tough saying good-bye but that is a sign of how great it was having her here. Best of luck with everything in your future Susana!

Randomness + 2013 birthdays

February 10th, 2014

Wow – got a bit behind on birthdays from last year šŸ™‚ But first, here are some thoughts to go with the very random pictures this month. I’m sure you can easily guess which is which for all of them!

– Christopher and JT entered the science fair this year. They tested to see which material made the best paper airplanes. Science made throwing paper airplanes not so much fun šŸ™ But I think they’re over that now!
– I ran up the IDS tower (50 floors; 1280 steps) in exactly 10 minutes (10:00) – this is what my goals has been for several years (so now I never have to run up it again!). Ha – I’ll be back next year!!!
– Megan got the great idea to throw a birthday party for Susana before she left (ignoring the fact that her birthday is in April). We’ll take any excuse we can come up with to have more cake in the house! šŸ™‚ It was fun for everyone.
– Beth led the webelos through a science experiment in our kitchen. They extracted DNA from strawberries. It turned out awesome and got the boys an extra STEM award for all of their hard work.
– Cutest little snow covered yeti was found in our backyard šŸ™‚
– Our last pinewood derby – Christopher got 2nd place overall. Actually…his sister Megan got 2nd place overall but she wasn’t officially allowed to win. Exact weight, straight axles, and graphite are the secrets to the race. The kids did work every step of the way – these were no “Dad’s cars”.
– Before Susana left we had to help her try junk cereals. Another perk of having an intern šŸ™‚
– Christopher has been sniffling and sneezing and wheezing for months and months and months – since last summer. It got to where meal time was filled with odd noises at every bite and all of us telling him to go blow his nose (again). We took him in for allergy testing and unfortunately for Sammy (his guinea pig) it turned out that Christopher was allergic to him. So it was a sad day for Christopher as they brought him in to the humane society to be adopted.
– Frozen waterfall caves at Minnehaha
– So in order to brighten back up Christopher’s day…we bought him a tiny, little donut šŸ™‚
– Poop. Poop. Poop.
– I keep telling Megan it is a waste of money to put a dollar into “the claw” game but she always wants to and is convinced that she’ll win. I thought I’d teach her a lesson and let her spend one of her dollars at the Mall of America. Of course she won on her first try (while Christopher went on rides in the background of the picture).
– I had to rescue a dumb bird who snuck between our screen and window and got stuck. His little birdy buddy kept flying up to the screen directly outside of him – I think he was telling him what a dumb little bird he was.
– We have seen crazy cold negative temperatures this year but I still love the menacing “minus zero” reading we get every so often.
– Name any foods that Spam doesn’t go with. Doesn’t exist. We brought Mom’s pudding/cake dessert to the next level!

CHRISTOPHER(April) – amazing how consistent some of these answers are without the kids looking back to last year’s answers:
My favorite food isā€¦pasta (and ice cream)
When I grow up I want to be aā€¦scientist
My favorite restaurant isā€¦Noodles
My favorite possession isā€¦iPod Touch
My favorite color isā€¦teal
My favorite song isā€¦I Have a Feeling
My favorite book isā€¦Rangerā€™s Apprentice series
My favorite movie isā€¦no clear favoriteā€¦a lot are tiedā€¦Gilliganā€™s Island is a favorite series
My favorite holiday isā€¦Christmas or birthday (because I get lots of presents)
My favorite season isā€¦winter (sledding!)
My favorite thing to do isā€¦read
If I could do anything tomorrow I wouldā€¦go to Florida (body boarding)
It would be a really good year this year ifā€¦we went to Florida

My favorite food isā€¦Mommyā€™s mac & cheese
When I grow up I want to be aā€¦fire fighter (because I like helping people)
My favorite restaurant isā€¦Noodles
My favorite possession isā€¦Penguiy (stuffed animal)
My favorite color isā€¦blue
My favorite song isā€¦Live While Weā€™re Young (One Direction ā€“ all of their songs)
My favorite book isā€¦Hunger Games, and then Shark Boy & Lava Girl, and then Harry Potter
My favorite movie isā€¦Harry Potter
My favorite holiday isā€¦Christmas and Halloween (because I get presents and candy)
My favorite season isā€¦winter and summer (because my birthday is in the summer and in winter you can go sledding and Christmas is in winter)
My favorite thing to do isā€¦sled
If I could do anything tomorrow I wouldā€¦go skiing ā€“ and go to Spain
It would be a really good year this year ifā€¦turned 9

My favorite food isā€¦apple sauce
When I grow up I want to be aā€¦dance
My favorite restaurant isā€¦Punch Pizza
My favorite possession isā€¦iPhone
My favorite color isā€¦yellow
My favorite song or group isā€¦Imagine Dragons
My favorite book or author isā€¦Fault in our Stars, John Green
My favorite movie isā€¦Hunger Games (I donā€™t really care)
My favorite holiday isā€¦Christmas (presents)
My favorite season isā€¦fall (because thatā€™s the season of her birthday)
My favorite thing to do isā€¦dance
If I could do anything tomorrow I wouldā€¦hang out with friends
It would be a really good year this year ifā€¦got platinum awards at dance competitions

Frozen Fun

January 6th, 2014

Happy New Year! The last I wrote it was probably almost 100 degrees warmer (and in just a few days it will be 80 degrees warmer than it is now). Can you believe it? 100 degree difference? What a swing in temps! It is -50F with the wind chill now. Which lets us have some fun outside. Well…lets us have fun in 5 minute increments outside or we lose fingers and toes. Tonight we: loaded squirt guns repeatedly with boiling water and shot cool vapor trailed streams, froze a spoon straight up in an egg that had been cracked just minutes earlier (even with a broken yolk it worked), and hammered a nail through two boards using a frozen banana (it really worked!). Fun stuff!

Back in December we rang bells at the Mall of America with the Purdue Alumni Club. The weekend before Christopher and I could have rang bells with the scouts for 1.5 hours in negative temperatures outside of Walmart. We’ve done that before and the clock ticks sooooo slowly while your toes freeze soooo quickly. So…instead I signed us up for 2.5 hours of bell ringing in a somewhat enclosed entrance to Macy’s at the Mall of America – that cleared my conscience! It was great to see little kids so excited to put some coins in the bucket or watching teenagers pull out their pop-icon-wallets or purses and get a few wrinkled bills out to put in the bucket – those kids were raised right! But it was sad how many people would avoid eye contact at all costs and try to completely avoid you. I don’t care if you donate money or not but at least look us in the eye and know why you aren’t giving money. What are your values? What do you believe in? Why are you so afraid to look at us? Feeling guilty about something? I made it our family’s goal to get everyone to look up and smile at us. We cheerfully said “good morning” to everyone – and if you tried to avoid us we smiled bigger and yelled out to you even more cheerfully. I felt like we were a mini-brigade of Boston Samaritans on a campaign to spread happiness to everyone as they started their day. It wasn’t about the money – it was about spreading cheer and smiles and happiness! But we also made a lot of money on our shift šŸ™‚

Here’s some randomness to go with many of the pictures. We went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving – saw the zoo there, visited the arch, ate at Gus’ Pretzels and had frozen custard at Ted Drewes. Megan did a planet presentation on Jupiter. I was recently going through my childhood scrapbook and saw that I also did Jupiter at about the same age. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that in 35 years the fun facts about Jupiter haven’t changed at all between what she and I each came up with. The kids and Susana have had a lot of fun sledding. Susana and Irene (her friend from Spain who is at another immersion school nearby) made us some fantastic Spanish food. Nerf battles all over the basement. Ate some Greek food. Ate with Danny DeVito. Kids got bit by a turtle. I chilled in the backyard in the awesome chair and foot rest that the kids made. Watched Colleen dance some more. Christmas morning in rockin’ footy pj’s.

I went jogging on New Year’s Day. Ran 3.5 miles. It was a bit below zero. I figured everybody would be out running on New Year’s Day taking care of their resolutions on Day 1. Go figure – I didn’t pass anyone else out there. Shocker, huh? There’s a special spot I have on this run where I talk to Katherine for a bit. I ran more than I ever have that first year after she died – somehow I ended up having a special spot on the trail for a few hundred feet where I feel close to her. Glad I started my new year that way. Ok, when I came back from my run I had ice caked on my back…Megan thought that was cool and wrote her name in the ice on my running shirt. The run was great – I ran off a few of the pounds I gained from our fun New Year’s Eve randomly assigned spouse swap cooking fest šŸ™‚

So what sounds worse…Nordic fare at the Taste of Scandinavia with items such as lefse, krumkake, sandbakkels, kjottboller, julekake, kringle, sot suppe, risengrynsgrot, flot brod, fattigmand, and egg coffee, or………Harry Potter Every Flavour Jelly Beans???? If you chose the Taste of Scandinavia you are wrong big time. The Scandinavian food was great – we got plates full of sweets of all kinds and meatballs and all sorts of yumminess. On the other hand…Megan got six boxes of Harry Potter Every Flavour Beans for Christmas. Flavors of jelly beans include the following: banana, black pepper, blue berry, booger, candy floss, cherry, cinnamon, dirt, earthworm, earwax, grass, green apple, marshmallow, rotten egg, sausage, lemon, soap, tutti-frutti, vomit, and watermelon. I thought they were a joke…uh…no…they taste exactly what they sound like…so nasty…but so much fun for Megan and friends šŸ™‚

Happy New Year everyone! Good luck with those resolutions – or better yet…dreams!